The Team
FunSailing Skippers
The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever
Jacques Yves Cousteau
My name is Vlad Staniloae, friends call me Baloo and I live in Brasov at the foot of Tampa. Although living in the mountains, I can say with pride that water sports are my new passion. How come this passion?
In the summer of 2008, I went for the first time on sea on board a yacht and it was … love at first sight. A year later, I attended a famous school of sailing, we obtained licences and slowly I started the sailing club FunSailing Romania.
What happens on the boat stays on the boat!
A year ago a friend tried to get me on a boat. Finally convinced, I found myself among ropes, fenders … and than I knew! Here comes a pretty big expense: Skipper’s Licence! So I hold on tight, I did commute Brasov – Constanta a few weekends and I did at the end.
Since 2009, I do a new a sport and I enjoy a new passion! And every year we gathered friends and friends of friends. People who know how to make a gulf party where no one can hear us, but who can sit quietly on a bottle of wine and share a great story about crazy childhood story, perhaps in a crowded marina. People who, although not seem to, become very interested in what does this “rope” do? who gets first at the anchor? who is going to prepare the cocktails? who after a day of an extreme sailing day, they still smile and are able to share a drink together.People who know good music, who know where the last bottle of Rum is hidden, who forget after a vacation like this their passwords.
This is me! You can always ask my crew more details ! But mainly … “What Happens on the boat, stays on the boat!”
Better safe than sorry
I was first sailing in 2008 when some friends organized an outing in Croatia. Sailing’s fascinated me immediately. The feeling of freedom, that a boat of more than 10 tonnes moves so smoothly only powered by wind, complexity of the yacht, knots, navigation, maps, radio … even the paperwork fascinated me !
I got this nickname “better safe THAN sorry” from the first outing; because I prefer to do something useful than to do something useless.
The sea has a special gift: to bring out the best in people
I discovered my passion for water, sea and boats since childhood at the foot of the mountain; carving boats from tree bark, then balsa wood models. The virus was there on hold and waiting to be activated. After the first trip it was clear that I belong there and, like fishing, will get me addicted. The sea has this special gift to bring out the best in people and to transform them.
I invite you to feel the same!